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Speaker: Amanda Lovett-Jones, RH, PhD Candidate

Join Justin Toal as he hosts Amanda Lovett-Jones, RH, PhD Candidate, for a free one-hour webinar — Addressing Inflammation as the Root Cause of Disease! In this live webinar, Amanda and Justin will discuss:

  • The latest science around anti-inflammatory therapy
  • Using mycotherapy and phytotherapy to tackle underlying causes of inflammation
  • How to improve recovery time for your patients

About the speakers:

Amanda Lovett-Jones is a PhD candidate, Australian Naturopath and medical herbalist, she runs a Natural Health clinic in Seattle - Functional Health and Apothecary. Amanda practices in the US as a Registered Herbalist and Nutrition specialist. Her clinic specializes in treating inflammation as the root cause of disease and utilizes plant medicines, fungi, nutritional supplements, and culinary medicine in her treatment protocols. Amanda has achieved success in treating patients with localized inflammation such as IBD and arthritis, but, has found her niche in treating patients with chronic systemic inflammation that often presents as auto-immune or with multiple disease diagnoses. She lives with her husband, 3 kids, and Australian Shepard in Seattle WA.

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