Estrogen Metabolism
Speaker: Ryan Frace, Focal Evolve consultant
Xenoestrogens are found in a variety of items that we interact with every day. These synthetic endocrine-disrupting chemicals alter the way the body naturally functions, affecting hormonal balance.
This “Real Time” hour will shed light on the impact of xenoestrogens and practical strategies to proactively protect the human body from these persistent, ubiquitous chemicals in our environment. Join our very own Justin Toal, with guest, Focal Evolve clinical consultant, Ryan Frace, for Real Time with Justin Toal: Estrogen Metabolism.
Estrogen Metabolism webinar highlights:
- In-depth insights on estrogen balance and its crucial role in physiological processes
- Practical strategies to minimize exposure to xenoestrogens and support hormonal balance
- Questions and comments
About the speakers:
For the past 20 years, Ryan Frace has worked with all disciplines of practitioners to help with education and integration of supplements into clinical practice. Ryan’s background includes extensive work with product development, marketing, and distribution. Ryan lectures extensively in the U.S. and on occasion internationally. Ryan lives in Edmond, Ok. with his two boys Ford and Sutton.