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Moldy to Healthy

Speakers: Marlene Merritt, Dom, Cns, Afmcp & Will Mitchell, Dom, Cns, Afmcp

For many of your complex patients, the ones you treat who are still tired, still have hormone problems, leaky gut, pain issues, and sleep issues, their probable root cause is CIRS — Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. CIRS is a reaction to biotoxin exposure, and along with genetic susceptibility, causes a multi-symptom, multi-system illness that is difficult to recognize without training. In this 1-hour webinar, learn what the symptoms are for CIRS, how to do a screening in your office that will tell you if a patient has CIRS, and what to do next.

About the speakers:

Dr. Merritt and Dr. Mitchell are both Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioners and are Proficiency Certified in Mold Illness through Dr. Shoemaker. Their practice in Austin is the only practice in Texas with certified practitioners for treating CIRS. 

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