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Speaker: Davis Brockenshire, DC

Learn how to simplify your practice and achieve better results for your patients with the POWER OF THE PROTOCOL that incorporate whole food supplements and mushroom therapy. Join us for Clinical Power Hour: Fast Track to Nutritional Freedom to hear from Dr. Davis Brockenshire. Dr. Brockenshire began integrating complementary products years ago and has proven protocols to share with us!

Fast Track to Nutritional Freedom Highlights:

  • Clinical solutions with proven results
  • Easy-to-implement protocols
  • How you treat people matters
  • Personalized advice from Dr. Brockenshire

About the speakers:

Dr. Davis Brockenshire graduated from Logan University in St. Louis, MO in 2000. He has completed post-graduate certification in Applied Kinesiology, Naturopathy, Phytotherapy, Clinical Nutrition, Athletic Injury Management, Pediatrics, Homeopathy, Rehabilitation, and is a Certified Blood Type practitioner. Dr. Brockenshire is Board Certified in Physical Therapy. Dr. Brockenshire also holds degrees in Human Biology from Logan University, and an Honors in Finance and International Marketing from the University of Windsor. As a former professional cyclist, Dr. Brockenshire has had the opportunity to explore the limits of human performance as a coach and physician for other professionals and amateurs alike. Practicing in Plymouth, Michigan, Dr. Brockenshire employees a holistic wellness approach to family healthcare.

Originally from Canada, Dr. Brockenshire is currently practicing in Plymouth, MI. He and his family have lived in the USA since 1996. Dr. Brockenshire is an International lecturer for other health care providers on such topics as Herbal Therapy, Detoxification, Pediatric Nutrition, and Pain Management.

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